No, not me. Bocephus. He is so sick, I am quite worried about him. Wednesday I came home from work, and when I went to pet him, the side of his face was wet. On closer inspection, it was blood! I looked at it, cleaned it and put antibiotic ointment on it. He couldn't sleep that night--kept digging at the sore on his face. So as soon as I got the girls off to school the next day, I called the vet and took him in. Long story short, he has a nasty ear infection that went into the skin on the side of his face! I had never heard of such a thing, and of course feel like a horrible pet parent for not catching it sooner. He seemed to do better on the antibiotics late Friday and early Saturday, but has now taken a turn for the worse. He is very lethargic, and just looks so sad. His breathing seems to be labored when he climbs the stairs or goes outside. I am going to call the vet first thing tomorrow, and take him back in.
Please say a little prayer for him that he will be well soon. It is so much like having a child sick--I would much rather it be me than him!
Hi! My names Bocephus. Wanna play fetch?
Shhhhhh! Don't tell Tucker he's a cat. He thinks he is a dog, and that's a fine thing to be!
This was taken of me to supposedly show me "caught in the act". But I was framed I tell you! I am not naming names, but someone put the Sunday paper on the floor to lure me into doing it. I don't remember putting it in my mouth--I just woke up and it was scattered all around. This was me when I was but a wee little pup. Handsome little guy, wasn't I? I'm not conceited--facts are facts, and my mom tells me I am handsome every day! I must say, it seems to be a consensus of everyone we meet!